
I am thrilled to introduce myself as a Certified Clinical Pet Nutritionist (C.P.N.®) from the Academy of Natural Health Sciences Training Center in New Jersey. This certification has equipped me with an extensive knowledge base in the field of pet nutrition, and I am excited to share with you what I've learned and how it can benefit your beloved pets. My education in pet nutrition spans a comprehensive program that covers a wide range of topics, ensuring that I am well-prepared to address the specific nutritional needs of both dogs and cats. Here's a brief overview of what I've learned:

 Canine & Feline Nutrition
  • Assessing overall health using industry standard guidelines
  • Integrated nutrition respecting both conventional and evidence-based complementary therapies (This means I work with both kibble and fresh/raw foods)
  • Knowledge of pet supplements, herbs, and homeopathic remedies
  • Specialized knowledge in canine athletic nutrition for peak performance
  • Advanced knowledge in raw feeding (balanced foods, preparation, supplements)
  • Understanding the reasons behind veterinary-prescribed diets for various health issues

Anatomy & Physiology for Dogs & Cats

  • A deep understanding of anatomy and physiology to comprehend how nutrition impacts an animal's well-being

Dog & Cat Diseases

  • Knowledge of common pet disorders, their causes, diagnosis, and management, including both medical and holistic treatments
  • A comprehensive look at diseases, vitamins, minerals, herbs, diet, and nutritional supplements

Clinical Nutrition for Dogs & Cats

  • Covering feeding fundamentals, calorie calculations, and addressing various diseases and conditions through nutrition

Breed Specific Nutrition:

  • Tailoring diets to specific dog and cat breeds to prevent breed-related conditions

Herbology for Dogs & Cats

  • Safe and effective use of herbs for various diseases and conditions

Homeopathy for Dogs and Cats

  • Learned about homeopathic remedies, dosages, and over 100 uses for homeopathic care.

Drug, Herb & Supplement Interactions and Preventing Drug-Caused Nutrient Depletions 

  • Understanding nutrient and drug interactions to provide safe and effective nutritional guidance alongside medication
  • Recognizing potential nutrient depletions caused by medications and providing appropriate supplementation

Blood Work & Nutritional Interpretations

  • I work alongside your veterinarian to interpret blood work results to identify potential nutritional deficiencies and digestive issues.

I am committed to providing the best possible nutrition guidance for your pets, ensuring their well-being and health. This certification is only the beginning of my journey into the world of pet nutrition, and I am dedicated to continuous learning and improvement. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your cherished companions to ensure they receive the highest standard of care and nutrition.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your pet's specific nutritional needs, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to help you make informed decisions for your furry family members.